5.1 vs. 7.1 Speakers: Which One Is The Best Option?

Surround sound speaker setups are known for their exceptional listening experience. As the speakers surround you from all sides, the sound becomes immersive and much more detailed. However, you may come across a 5.1 vs. 7.1 speakers comparison when buying these. While the basic idea is the same, there are some technical differences in knowing which is essential for buying the best product.


What Are 5.1 Speakers?

The 5.1 speaker system means that there are a total of 6 loudspeakers. Among those 1, one acts as the subwoofer to provide rich bass. The remaining 5 are placed, one in the viewing area’s corners and one in the TV’s middle. For these setups, there is less space behind the listener.


  • 1 system is much more common, and you can find a huge variety when looking for one. You can also find a huge online community of 5.1 speakers users if you face any issues
  • These are simpler than 7.1, so setting up and troubleshooting is easier.
  • With 2 fewer speakers, you will have to manage lesser wires, so installation will be simpler, and so will wire management.


  • These are not the best choice if your room is bigger than an average room. Rooms with no space behind the sitting area are ideal for 5.1 speakers.
  • If you have media ready for 7.1 surround speakers, your 5.1 speakers may not deliver the same great experience.
  • The pre-configured systems come with compatible receivers and amps, so if you want to increase the speaker count, you will need to upgrade the hardware, which may not be very affordable for all.

Related: Active vs. Passive Speakers

What Are 7.1 Speakers?

Unlike the 5.1 speakers, the 7.1 speaker system consists of 8. You will also get 1 subwoofer for bass, while the remaining speakers can be placed in different configurations. 5 of the remaining speakers are placed similarly to how they are placed in the 5.1 systems, while the remaining 2 are placed differently. Here are some varying configurations these extra 2 speakers can be placed:

  • Balanced behind the rear of the viewers
  • Placed at a 30-degree angle from both sides of the middle front speaker
  • Right on the sides of the listener but in this case, the rear speakers are moved further at the back while the listener is placed in the middle of the speaker configuration.


  • If you have a huge room with lots of space behind the sitting area, then 7.1 speakers will be ideal for the best audio quality.
  • 1 surround sound systems are known for their deeper surround sound experience with significantly higher clarity than a 5.1 system.
  • These provide the best experience for all types of content, especially when the price is not a concern.


  • If you have a smaller room, you may find the rear and side speakers taking over the front ones. It will result in a worse listening experience.
  • These speaker systems are rare compared to 5.1, so you may not find a huge online community or as much helping material.
  • 1 speaker is not available in a huge variety, so you may have to combine different products to create your configuration. In that case, troubleshooting and setting things up will also be complex.

5.1 Vs 7.1 Speakers: Which Is The Best For You?

Regarding the 5.1 vs 7.1 speakers comparison, it is not all about adding 2 more speakers to get the most immersive sound. There are several factors you must consider if you want the best sound. It is because, in most cases, 5.1 might be the better option than 7.1. So, when comparing 5.1 vs 7.1 speakers, you must consider the most important things.

Room Position

The position in your room is also important. When comparing 5.1 vs. 7.1 speakers, one vital difference will be more speakers, and those will go behind the listeners. If you don’t have enough space to accommodate those speakers at the rear, you must not go for the 7.1 speakers.


Similarly, leaving space behind for the listener will ruin their surrounding experience. Thus, switching from 5.1 to 7.1 will be a better option to accommodate space behind the listeners.

Furnishing Material

Although ignored when it comes to sound, hard materials near speakers, like cabinets, tile, wood, tables, etc., will reflect sound. That can harm the sound quality. More speakers in the room mean higher chances of creating a sound reflection that will disturb the original experience.

So, when choosing a system with 5.1 vs. 7.1 speakers, you must go for a higher number of speakers when you have more of these in the room:

  • Bookshelves
  • Carpeting
  • Couches
  • curtains

Room Size

Remember that the additional speakers fill people’s empty spaces in larger rooms. So, if you have your setup in a small room, those extra 2 speakers may create a muddy mixture of sounds from the rear and the front.

Those sounds are often louder instead of clearer and more immersive. So, for rooms under 350 sq ft. going for 5.1 speakers will be the best. Otherwise, you can choose 7.1 speakers.

Features You Must Compare Between 5.1 Vs. 7.1 Speakers

There are some technical features that you must consider while buying your speakers setup. Here is a list of everything else you must consider:

  • The receiver is the first component to consider, especially when you are going for a custom setup. Going for a 7.1 receiver, even for a 5.1 setup, will be a future-proof decision.
  • Wired or wireless can be a debate, but more wires can be hard to manage with more speakers. Also, losing wires and adding convenience will make you lose some sound quality.
  • Smart calibration is necessary if you are not a speaker geek; otherwise, calibrating these will not be easy.

Lastly, you may find a price difference, with 5.1 speakers being much cheaper. Considering all these factors will result in the best-sounding audio solution.


Comparing 5.1 vs 7.1 speakers can be difficult for you if you get surround sound for the first time. So, you must consider all the available options according to your usage conditions because every place is not right for both 5.1 and 7.1 systems. You can easily find what’s best for you with every factor selected carefully.


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