Bose Soundlink Not Charging: What Is Reason And How To Fix It?

Faulty power supply and software issues are common reasons Bose SoundLink not charging. It can be a frustrating experience as you are unable to use your favorite speaker. You might start looking for technical support or even consider replacing it.

But before you take any drastic steps, let’s dive into why this issue occurs and how to fix it. After reading this guide, you’ll better understand the cause and be able to resolve it independently.

Bose Soundlink Not Charging

3 Possible Reasons For Bose Soundlink Not Charging

Electronic devices can experience technical issues, and the Bose SoundLink is no exception. The following are the three most common reasons for your speaker not charging:

Reason No. 1: Faulty Power Outlet or Charging Port

A damaged power outlet or charging port can be a common reason your Bose SoundLink speaker is not charging. When either of these components is faulty, it can hinder the charging process of your speaker.

If the power outlet is damaged, it may have loose connections or a faulty wiring system. It can disrupt the electrical current from reaching your speaker.

The result is a slow or non-existent charging process.

Similarly, a damaged speaker’s charging port can also lead to setting issues. If the metal pins inside the port are bent or broken, they may not make proper contact with the charger. It can cause your SoundLink not to charge at all.

Reason No. 2: Firmware or Software Issues

Outdated firmware or software can impact the charging functionality of your Bose SoundLink speaker. Firmware refers to the internal programming that controls the device’s functions. On the other hand, software refers to the applications or programs running on the speaker.

Firmware or Software Issues

The firmware or software may require proper configuration to handle charging if it is outdated. It can result in compatibility issues between the speaker and the charging cable or adapter. The outdated firmware or software may not recognize the charging connection, leading to a failure of the charging process.

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Reason No. 3: Battery Malfunction or Drainage

A faulty battery in your Bose SoundLink speaker can lead to charging problems. Here are some potential causes and their explanations:

Age and Wear

Over time, batteries naturally degrade and lose their ability to hold a charge effectively. It can result in a faulty battery that struggles to recharge properly. The battery may be depleted if your older Bose SoundLink speaker has been extensively used.

Extended periods of non-use

When a battery sits unused for an extended period, it can experience self-discharge. It happens due to internal chemical reactions gradually deplete the battery’s charge. If your speaker has not been used, the battery may have discharged significantly, making it difficult to charge fully.

Deep discharge

If the battery is completely drained to the point where it shuts off automatically, it can enter a deep discharge state. The battery may require special attention to recover and regain its full charging capacity in this state.

Physical damage

Physical damage to the battery, such as impact or exposure to extreme temperatures, can cause internal components to malfunction. This can result in charging problems and reduced battery performance.
If you suspect a faulty battery, it may be necessary to replace it.

Battery Malfunction or Drainage

Let’s discuss the troubleshooting steps for resolving the charging issue with the Bose SoundLink.

How to Fix Bose SoundLink Not Charging Issue?

Now that we have covered the possible reasons for your Bose SoundLink not charging let’s explore the solutions to fix it. Depending on the cause, here are some steps you can take:

Solution No. 1: Resetting the Speaker

Resetting the Bose SoundLink speaker can often resolve charging issues.

To reset the speaker, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Power and Mute buttons on your Bose SoundLink speaker.
  • Press and hold the Power and Mute buttons simultaneously for about 10 seconds.
  • Release the buttons when you see the LED lights on the front of the speaker blink briefly, indicating that the reset process has been initiated.
  • After releasing the buttons, please wait a few moments as the speaker powers down and resets itself. You may notice the LED lights turning off and then coming back on.

Following the correct reset procedure outlined above is crucial to ensure a successful reset. Keep in mind the following:

Resetting the Speaker

Key Takeaways

Make sure to press and hold both the Power and Mute buttons simultaneously. Multiple or pushing buttons in the wrong sequence may not initiate the reset.

Be patient while holding the buttons. It might take 10 seconds for the LED lights to blink, indicating that the reset process has started.

Avoid interrupting the reset process. Wait until the speaker fully powers down and restarts before attempting further actions.

Solution No. 2: Checking the Charging Cable and Adapter

When experiencing charging problems with your Bose SoundLink speaker, it’s important to inspect the charging cable and adapter for any visible damage. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Examine the charging cable: Check for any signs of fraying, bending, or exposed wires along the length of the cable. Pay attention to the connectors on both ends as well. If you notice any damage, it is recommended to replace the cable.
  • Inspect the charging adapter: Look for any physical damage, loose connections, or bent pins on the charging adapter. Ensure that the adapter is clean and free from debris. If there are any visible issues, consider using a different adapter.

Besides inspecting the cable and adapter, try different combinations to eliminate a faulty connection. Borrow a charging cable and adapter from a friend, or use spare ones if available. It will help identify whether the issue lies with the original cable or adapter.

Contacting Customer Support

Solution No. 3: Contacting Customer Support

If you still have charging issues with your Bose SoundLink speaker, contact Bose customer support for further assistance. They have dedicated experts who can help resolve complex charging problems. Here’s how you can get in touch with Bose support:

  • Visit the official Bose support website: Go to and navigate to the “Contact Us” section. You’ll find various options for contacting Bose customer support, including phone, email, and live chat.
  • Phone support: Look for the phone number listed on the support website for your specific country or region. Dial the number to speak directly with a Bose representative who can assist you with your charging issues.
  • Email support: If you prefer written communication, email the provided support email address. Clearly explain your charging problems and include any relevant details or steps you’ve already taken to troubleshoot.
  • Live chat support: Some regions offer live chat support on the Bose website. Look for the chat icon and click on it to initiate a conversation with a support agent.

By contacting Bose customer support, you can receive personalized assistance. They may also be able to provide a replacement battery or recommend a local service center for further repairs if necessary.

Conclusion – Bose Soundlink Not Charging

I have been using my Bose Soundlink for years. Recently, I noticed that my speaker was not charging properly, causing a major inconvenience to my daily routine.

After trying various troubleshooting methods, I searched on Google to try and find a solution. But I have yet to see satisfactory results. I wrote this article to help others facing similar issues with their Bose Soundlink speaker.

The solutions mentioned above can help you fix your charging problem. Remember always to follow proper charging procedures and take care of your battery to avoid future issues.


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