Can Headphones Cause Hair Loss?

In today’s world, headphones are more than just a gadget. They have become essential to our daily lives, whether for music, calls, or gaming.

But a question that often pops up is – “Can headphones cause hair loss?” It’s an interesting query, stirring curiosity among many headphone users.

After all, no one wants to lose their precious locks. Let’s solve this mystery and uncover the truth behind this common concern among audiophiles.

Can Headphones Cause Hair Loss

Headphones and Hair Loss: An Overview

The concept that headphones might cause hair loss is a topic that has sparked considerable debate. A cursory glance at various online forums and blogs reveals multiple opinions. Some users suggest a possible connection between headphone use and hair loss, while others dismiss it outright.

In one Reddit thread, a user raised concerns about long hours of headphone usage potentially leading to male hair loss. On the other hand, a blog post on Strut Health acknowledges the unusual nature of noticing hair loss from using headphones.

Still, it does not rule out the possibility of situations where headphones are used for extended periods.

Headphones and Hair Loss

So, let’s answer the question – Can headphones cause hair loss?

Can Headphones Cause Hair Loss or Traction Alopecia?

No, headphones cannot cause hair loss. Extensive research exists on headphones and hearing loss but less on their impact on hair loss.

A comprehensive search on Google Scholar yielded no scientific studies directly correlating headphone usage and hair loss.

For instance, several studies focused on hearing-related problems due to headphone use. These include research on cochlear damage, noise-induced hearing loss, and ear infections.

Other studies examined high-frequency hearing loss among students who frequently use headphones. They also looked at hearing loss among work-from-home employees who use earphones during work hours.

However, these investigations have yet to explore the potential link between headphones and hair loss. The lack of such studies makes establishing a concrete relationship between the two challenging.

There are studies on the impact of wearing hats on hair loss. A report on Hims states that while there are myths about caps causing hair loss, scientific evidence suggests otherwise. It is important to note that the pressure a hat exerts differs from that of headphones, making it difficult to draw direct comparisons.


So, it’s clear that the notion of headphones causing hair loss is a myth. Let’s move to the other potential effects of prolonged headphone usage.

What Are The Other Effects Of Using Headphones For A Long Time?

The direct link between headphone use and hair loss remains unproven. However, it’s essential to consider other potential effects of prolonged headphone usage that could indirectly contribute to stress-related hair loss.

Hearing Damage

One of the most well-documented effects of prolonged headphone usage is hearing damage. Studies have shown that extended exposure to loud music through headphones can lead to noise-induced hearing loss. This condition can be temporary or permanent, depending on the intensity and duration of noise exposure.

Hearing Damage


Another potential effect is tinnitus, characterized by ear ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds. Tinnitus is often associated with prolonged exposure to loud sounds, making frequent headphone users particularly susceptible.


Prolonged headphones can also lead to hyperacusis, a heightened sensitivity to normal environmental sounds. People with this condition may find everyday noises excessively loud and uncomfortable.

Stress-Related Hair Loss

Now, how could these conditions indirectly contribute to hair loss? The answer lies in the body’s response to stress. Conditions like hearing loss, tinnitus, and hyperacusis can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, increasing stress levels.

High-stress levels can trigger a type of hair loss known as telogen effluvium. This condition occurs when more hairs than usual prepare to fall out from your scalp. Headphones don’t directly cause hair loss but can indirectly contribute by driving stress-inducing conditions.

Let’s move on to solving the above potential problems.

Related: Impedance In Headphones: How Does It Affect Sound?

How Do You Avoid Potential Effects of Prolonged Headphone Use?

Meanwhile, the scientific evidence linking headphone usage to hair loss is still being determined. However, using headphones responsibly to minimize potential risks, including discomfort or scalp tension, is still good practice.
Here are some tips on how to use headphones without causing potential hair damage:

Avoid Tight Headphones

Choose headphones that fit comfortably. If they’re too tight, they could cause pressure on your scalp and hair follicles. Adjust the headband so it doesn’t grip tightly and pull on your hair.

Avoid Tight Headphones

Take Regular Breaks

Long periods of continuous headphone use can lead to discomfort and potentially contribute to stress-related issues. Taking a break every hour or so is recommended to relieve any pressure on your scalp and rest your ears.

Maintain Good Hygiene

Regularly clean your headphones to prevent sweat, dirt, and oil buildup, which can irritate your scalp and hair follicles. You can clean them with a gentle cleaner, soft cloth, or antibacterial wipes.

Monitor Volume Levels

Excessive noise from headphones can lead to hearing problems, which could contribute to stress and potential hair loss. Keep the volume at safe levels to protect your ears.

In terms of alternative headphone styles that might be less likely to cause potential hair damage, consider the following options:

Over-Ear Headphones

These types of headphones have larger ear cups that cover the entire ear. They put less pressure on the scalp than on-ear headphones, making them a more comfortable option for extended use.

Earbuds or In-Ear Headphones

Though not on par with over-ear models in sound quality, these headphones bypass the scalp and hair, eliminating pressure on hair follicles.

Bone Conduction Headphones

These headphones deliver sound through the cheekbones, bypassing the ears and hair. They’re an excellent option if you’re concerned about potential hair damage or hearing loss.

Remember, the key is to use headphones responsibly and comfortably. If you notice any discomfort or changes in your hair or scalp, consider adjusting your headphone usage accordingly.

Final Thoughts – Can Headphones Cause Hair Loss?

No proven link exists between headphone use and hair loss. Scientific evidence does not support the claim that headphones can cause hair loss. However, prolonged and excessive use of headphones can lead to other potential effects.

As with any type of technology, using headphones responsibly is essential. You can minimize potential risks by following the tips and recommendations mentioned above. You can also consider alternative headphone styles that may be more comfortable and less likely to cause potential hair damage.

So, headphones do not directly cause hair loss. So, let’s keep enjoying our favorite tunes without worrying about hair loss.


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