DIY Artist? Here’s How You Can Submit Music to Blogs for Free

As an independent or DIY artist, featuring your music on popular blogs can provide significant exposure and help grow your fanbase. However, with limited resources, hiring a PR company to submit your music to blogs may not be an option.

Submit Music to Blogs for Free

Ask yourself, “How can I submit music to blogs for free?” After you’ve worked hard to create your music, ensuring it gets heard is essential. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll guide you through submitting your music to blogs for free.

Let’s start with understanding the importance of presenting your music to blogs.

Why Should You Submit Your Music To Blogs?

Blogs are a popular platform for discovering new music, especially for indie artists. Bloggers often have a dedicated audience who trust their taste in music, making it an excellent way to reach potential fans.

Getting featured on a blog can also lead to other opportunities, such as interviews or live performances. Most importantly, it’s a chance for your music to be heard by new listeners and gain more followers.  Most people listen music under water with special techniques.

Now that you understand the benefits, let’s explore how to prepare your music for submission.

Preparing Your Music For Submission

Before submitting your music, ensure it’s polished and ready for publication. Here are tips for polishing your music:

  • Check for any mistakes in the production quality, mixing, and mastering. These elements can make or break your chances of getting featured on a blog.
  • Ensure your music is in the preferred format: An MP3 file or a Soundcloud link. Blogs have different preferences. So be sure to double-check before submitting.

Once you’ve finalized your music, it’s time to create a compelling artist bio. A strong bio provides background information and showcases your personality and musical style. Here are some tips for writing an engaging artist bio:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for a length of 250 words or less.
  • Use storytelling techniques: Share personal anecdotes or influences that shaped your music.
  • Highlight your achievements: Mention any noteworthy performances, collaborations, or awards.
  • Showcase your personality: Let your unique voice and style shine through in your writing.

Now that you have a polished track and an engaging bio, let’s dive into the submission process.

How To Submit Your Music To Blogs For Free In Just 5 Steps

A common misconception is that submitting your music to blogs is complicated and expensive. However, with the right approach, you can do it for free in just five simple steps:

Step 1: Choose the Right Blogs

The first step is researching blogs that align with your music genre and style. Look for blogs that have previously featured artists similar to you or feature new and emerging artists. This step ensures your music will resonate with the audience, increasing your chances of getting featured.

Secondly, consider the blog’s reach and following. A small niche blog may have a loyal audience, whereas a more extensive blog can reach more people and receive more submissions. Strike a balance and target a mix of both for maximum exposure.

Step 2: Follow Submission Guidelines

Following their submission guidelines is crucial in submitting your music to blogs. These guidelines are usually on the blog’s website or social media pages. Specific instructions must be followed for your music to be considered for feature.

Some standard submission guidelines include the following:

  • Submitting through a specific portal or email address
  • Including a brief introduction and artist bio
  • Providing links to your music and social media profiles
  • Mentioning any previous press coverage or notable achievements
  • Submitting during specific submission periods (e.g., only accepting submissions in January)

Follow these guidelines to ensure your music is noticed, so read them carefully. Most people listen to music while doing household work. What 11 best things to do while listening to music?

Write a Personalized Email

Step 3: Write a Personalized Email

Thirdly, write a professional and personalized message when submitting your music via email or a submission portal. This step shows that you’ve researched and are genuinely interested in being featured on their blog.
Some essential information to include in your email is:

  • Your artist name
  • The name of the song/album you’re submitting
  • A brief introduction of yourself and your music
  • Links to your streaming platforms (e.g., Spotify, Soundcloud)
  • Any upcoming tour dates or releases

Keep the email concise, informative, and friendly. Express thanks for their time and consideration. Include contact info for further details.

Step 4: Include an Engaging Press Kit

When submitting your music to blogs, including a press kit can make all the difference. A press kit provides promo materials with a detailed view of you and your music for review.

Your press kit should include:

  • High-quality artist photos
  • Album/single artwork
  • Press release or bio with essential information about you and your music
  • Links to streaming platforms and social media
  • Reviews or press coverage of your music (if any)

Creating an impactful press kit is crucial as it gives bloggers a glimpse into what you’re all about. Use high-quality visuals that represent your aesthetic and include relevant information that showcases your talent.

Follow Up

Step 5: Follow Up

Last, don’t forget to follow up with the blogs after a few weeks if you haven’t heard back. Bloggers receive numerous submissions. A friendly reminder can help your submission stand out and increase your chances of getting featured. However, be sure to maintain a professional tone in all interactions. Some artists also use alternative places for rap music videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to submit hip-hop music blogs to offer?

Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you can submit your hip-hop music to any blog that meets your genre and style preferences. Remember to do thorough research and follow submission guidelines for the best chance of success.

What are the best hip-hop websites for new music?

A simple Google search can help you find websites featuring new and emerging hip-hop artists. Some popular options include Pitchfork, XXL Mag, and HipHopDX. Research each site to ensure it aligns with your music before submitting.

What are independent music blogs?

Independent music blogs feature up-and-coming artists, often with a niche or specific genre focus. Individuals run these blogs or small teams passionate about discovering new music.

Final Thoughts – Submit Music To Blogs For Free

To summarize, submitting your music to blogs for free is a simple process. You must research and choose the right blogs that align with your music genre. A wrong target can lead to rejection.

Follow their submission guidelines to avoid getting overlooked. Write a personalized email, create an impactful press kit, and follow up if necessary.

Remember to maintain a professional tone in all interactions. With this guide, you can confidently submit your music to blogs and increase your chances of getting featured.


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