The 11 Best Things To Do While Listening To Music

Studying, gardening, and reading are some of the best things to do while listening to music. Music has been proven to boost productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. It opens doors to our hearts and minds. It helps us feel joy, comfort, excitement, and peace.

Music is not just sounds or words but a form of expression and art.

As such, it can enhance our experiences in various activities, making them more enjoyable and meaningful.
This article gives you an idea of the 11 best things to do while listening to music. These activities range from leisurely to productive, offering something for everyone.
So, put on your favorite playlist or album and explore how music can elevate different activities.

Things To Do While Listening To Music

The 11 Best Things To Do While Listening To Music

Below are 11 activity ideas that you can try while listening to music:

1) Reading

Reading and music. Two simple pleasures that can be even better when combined. But how? And why? Let’s explore.

Music and reading are both forms of storytelling. They both have rhythms and patterns. They both can take us on journeys. They can make us feel emotions. They can help us see the world in new ways. This is why they work so well together.

When we read with music, we create a soundtrack for our story. We add another layer to our experience. We make our reading time more memorable.

Here are seven tips to help you choose the right music for your reading:


  • Choose Instrumental Music: Words can distract us. They can pull us away from our book. So, choose a theme without words.
  • Match the Mood: Choose music that matches the mood of your book. If it’s a happy book, choose a satisfied theme. If it’s a sad book, choose sad music.
  • Keep it Low: Don’t play your music too loud. It should be background noise. It should support your reading, not overpower it.
  • Try Classical: Classical music is great for reading. It’s calm. It’s complex. It can help you focus.
  • Experiment: Try different types of music. See what works for you. You might be surprised.
  • Create Playlists: Make playlists for different types of books. This way, you’ll always have the right music ready.
  • Take Breaks: Listen to music only sometimes. Take breaks. Let your ears rest. Let your mind focus on the words.

2) Exercising

Something is compelling about combining music with exercise. It’s a secret weapon that can make your workout more enjoyable and effective. But how does this work? And what kind of music should you choose? Let’s find out.

Listening to music while exercising can boost your mood and motivation. It can make you feel more energetic. It can help you push through challenging moments. It can even help you keep pace. This is the power of rhythm and melody.

But not all music is created equal. The right workout music depends on your taste and the type of exercise you’re doing.

Here are some suggestions to help you create your perfect workout playlist:

High-Energy Music for High-Intensity Workouts

You need music to keep up if you’re doing high-intensity exercises like running or cycling. Choose songs with fast beats and uplifting lyrics. These can help you maintain a high pace and stay motivated.

Calm Music for Low-Intensity Workouts

For low-intensity exercises like yoga or stretching, choose calm and soothing music. This can help you relax and focus on your movements.

Powerful Music for Strength Training

When lifting weights or doing strength training, powerful music can help. Choose songs with solid beats and motivational lyrics. This can help you push harder and reach your goals.

Fun Music for Dance Workouts

If you love dance workouts, choose fun and catchy songs. These can make your activity feel like a party. You can also select music with specific dance beats to help you stay in rhythm.

3) Cooking

Cooking can be an art, a chore, or a fun hobby, but did you know adding music to the mix can enhance this experience? Scientific research has shown that music can play a significant role in making our cooking experiences more enjoyable and even influencing the taste of our food.

According to a study published in the Flavour Journal, music can create an environment that enhances the overall experience of a meal. It sets the mood, adds fun to the process, and improves the food’s taste.

Another research from the University of Twente suggests that background music can enhance the taste experience of food. In their experiment, they found that the music used while preparing mac and cheese influenced the taste experience of the dish.

Therefore, it’s clear that music can turn your kitchen into a stage, making cooking feel less like a chore and more like a performance. But what kind of music should you play?


Here are some suggestions for your cooking playlist:

Upbeat Music for Prep Time

Prepping ingredients can sometimes feel monotonous. Liven things up with some upbeat tunes. Pop, jazz, or any music with a fast tempo can get your energy flowing.

Relaxing Music for Cooking

Opt for relaxing music when you’re at the stove, stirring and simmering. This could be soft rock, folk, or smooth jazz. It should allow you to enjoy the process without feeling rushed.

4) Cleaning

Cleaning, for many, is a necessary chore. But what if there was a way to make it more enjoyable? Enter music. Music has the power to transform our mood and even increase productivity. You are listening to your favorite tunes while cleaning can turn a mundane task into a fun activity.

Research has shown that listening to music can improve mood, reduce stress, and increase productivity. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that people who listened to upbeat music could improve their attitudes and boost happiness in just two weeks.

So, how about making your next cleaning session a musical one? Here are some ideas for upbeat cleaning playlists:


Classic Rock Cleaning Playlist

Kick off your cleaning with some high-energy classic rock. Think “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi or “Love Shack” by The B-52s. These timeless tracks will surely get you moving.

Pop Cleaning Playlist

Include some pop hits in your playlist. Songs like “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson (feat. Bruno Mars) or “We Found Love” by Rihanna can add a fun twist to your cleaning routine.

Dance Cleaning Playlist

If you love to dance, why not add some dance hits to your playlist? “Pump Up the Jam” by Technotronic or “Murder On The Dance Floor” by Sophie Ellis Bextor can make your cleaning session feel like a dance party.

Motivational Cleaning Playlist

Add songs like “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor or “Young Hearts Run Free” by Candi Station to your playlist for a dose of motivation. These tracks will keep you motivated throughout your cleaning session.

5) Taking a Long Drive

Long drives can be an adventure, an opportunity to think or enjoy the scenery. But did you know that background music can enhance this experience? Research shows music can affect drivers’ behaviors, relieve stress, and stimulate brain activity.

Furthermore, listening to classical music has explicitly been suggested to stimulate brain activity, improve memory recall, and increase creativity.

Given these points, choosing the right music for your long drive is crucial. Here are some tips for selecting your driving playlist:

Taking a Long Drive

Choose a Variety of Genres

Having a mix of different music genres can keep the journey enjoyable. It can also cater to your changing moods during the drive.

Select Familiar Songs

Familiar songs can boost your mood and make the journey more enjoyable. They can also trigger happy memories associated with those songs.

Avoid Loud Music

While it’s tempting to crank up the volume, loud music can cause stress and distract you from driving. Keep the book at a comfortable level.

6) Artistic Activities

Engaging in artistic activities such as painting, drawing, or writing is a beautiful way to express creativity. And music can play a significant role in enhancing this creative process.

Multiple studies have shown that “happy music” can stimulate divergent thinking and boost creativity. Therefore, when choosing music for your artistic pursuits, it’s crucial to consider the type of activity and your personal preferences.

Here are some tips:

Artistic Activities

Choose Happy Music

As mentioned, happy music has been linked to increased creativity. This could be upbeat pop, energetic rock, or lively jazz.

Consider the Activity

The type of music that works best may depend on the activity you’re engaged in. For instance, if you’re painting, you might prefer instrumental music that allows your thoughts to flow freely.

On the other hand, if you’re writing, you might choose lyrical music that inspires words and ideas.

7) Gardening

Gardening is a therapeutic activity that beautifies your surroundings and improves mental health. Adding music to this mix can further enhance the experience.

Music can be a relaxing way to take a break when working in the garden; interestingly, it may even benefit your plants.

Several studies have concluded a connection between music and plant growth. The vibration of certain types of music and sound may stimulate plant growth, as it mimics natural vibrations.

You are listening to music while gardening could create a serene environment perfect for you and your plants. In addition to the potential benefits to plants, music can make gardening more enjoyable by providing a pleasant auditory backdrop.

Here are some ideas for soothing gardening playlists:

Classical Music Playlist

Classical music is often associated with relaxation and concentration. Pieces like “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy or “Für Elise” by Beethoven might be just what you need to create a peaceful gardening atmosphere.

8) Meditation

Meditation can profoundly impact your mental well-being when paired with calming music. It can help you achieve a more relaxed state of mind, reduce stress, and even enhance your meditation experience.

Many people find that soothing music helps them focus during meditation.

Calming music during meditation can help regulate your breathing, lower your heart rate, and reduce anxiety and stress. It can also help you focus your thoughts and block out distractions.

If you’re looking for calming meditation playlists, here are some options based on my recent search:

Instrumental Meditation Playlist

Instrumental music, such as soft piano or guitar melodies, can be the perfect background for your meditation practice. It lets you focus on the present moment and let go of thoughts or worries.

Nature Sounds Meditation Playlist

Like the gardening playlist idea, incorporating nature sounds into your meditation can create a peaceful and calming atmosphere. The sound of waterfalls, birds singing, or a gentle breeze can help you connect with your surroundings and find inner peace.

9) Playing Games

The role of music in enhancing gaming experiences has been widely recognized and studied.

In adventure games, familiar sounds or melodies jog players’ memories, recalling gameplay information. Music goes beyond setting the tone; it influences how players respond to game challenges.

Calm and serene music, for instance, may help players approach tasks with more patience and strategic thinking.
For younger gamers, music is a big part of the experience. This opens up more opportunities for partnerships between music and gaming industries.

Strategic music enhances user experience, particularly when in-game tasks evoke specific emotions.

Here are some suggestions for gaming playlists:

Playing Games

Epic Soundtracks Playlist

Epic soundtracks, often used in fantasy or adventure games, can make you feel part of an epic journey. From “The Elder Scrolls” to “World of Warcraft,” these soundtracks can bring a sense of excitement and intensity to your gameplay.

Upbeat Electronic Playlist

For faster-paced games, upbeat electronic music can be the perfect accompaniment. The high-energy beats and catchy melodies can keep you motivated and engaged in the game.

10) Take a Relaxing Bath

Music can significantly enhance your bathing experience, turning it into a relaxing and rejuvenating activity. Research has shown that music, particularly with a slower tempo, can help relax the mind and muscles.

Listening to calming, gentle music can help your body reach a state of relaxation that is hard to achieve otherwise.
Moreover, sound therapy, such as sound baths, which use nonrhythmic, drone-like sounds, can lead to deep relaxation, much like meditation.

Combining a warm bath and soothing music can create a spa-like atmosphere at home, promoting overall well-being.

Take a Relaxing Bath
Here are some suggestions for playlists to enhance your bath experience:

Chillout Playlist

Chillout music, characterized by a slow tempo and relaxing beats, can help calm the mind and body. This type of music often includes ambient sounds, such as water or nature recordings, making it perfect for a bath.

Sound Bath Playlist

As mentioned earlier, sound baths use nonrhythmic sounds to induce a deep state of relaxation. This type of music is specifically designed to promote rest and rejuvenation, making it an excellent choice for a bath playlist.

11) Dance and Get a Pedicure

In the context of dance, music plays a critical role. It provides the energy that fuels movement and motivates it to start moving. Music interacts with dance to make the most vital affective experience from a dance piece.

It helps dancers internalize the rhythm and dynamics, producing more polished and refined performances. Musicality is crucial for dancers as it assists in making clear decisions and inspires new movements.


When getting a pedicure, music can transform the experience into more than just a beauty routine. It can create a relaxing atmosphere, making the experience more enjoyable. Music with a slower tempo can help relax your mind, allowing you to enjoy the pampering experience fully.

Here are some playlist suggestions:

Dance Hits Playlist – A Spotify or YouTube playlist of upbeat, high-energy songs that will get you moving and grooving while you dance. Relaxing Music Playlist – While getting a pedicure, opt for a playlist that features calming and serene music. This can be instrumental music, nature sounds, or even soft jazz.

So, whether you’re looking to meditate or get a pedicure, music can enhance your experience in more ways than one. It’s essential to find the right type of music for each activity and let it guide you toward a deeper state of relaxation and enjoyment.

Conclusion – 11 Best Things To Do While Listening To Music

To summarize, music can enhance our daily activities and transform them into enjoyable. Music adds depth and enjoyment, whether it’s cooking, exercising, studying, or unwinding during a bath. It fuels dance, makes cleaning fun, aids in meditation, enhances gaming, and turns a simple pedicure into a pampering experience.

Even driving becomes an adventure with a fitting soundtrack. The benefits of incorporating music into your routine are manifold – it can uplift your mood, increase productivity, reduce stress, and provide motivation.

So, why not add a dash of melody to your everyday tasks?

Create your personalized playlists and let the magic of music enrich your daily routines. After all, life is better with a soundtrack. Embrace the rhythm of life and make each day a symphony.


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